Get the BEST EVER deal on our courses and crush your learning goals.
Tired of not making progress? Our courses teach you how to learn in your own way that works for YOU. No longer will you worry if what you’re doing it advancing your abilities.
What’s in this AMAZING deal?
Teach Yourself A Language
In 30 day, you will learn all the fundamentals of language learning and receive the support and knowledge of the Refold coaching team, as well as thousands of other satisfied learners.
Level Up Your Listening course
For many people, listening is the hardest skill to improve in all of language learning. That used to be the case, but with our guided course, you’ll become a confident listener in no time.
And as an extra special Black Friday offer, we’re throwing in TWO free learning decks!
FREE Vocabulary Deck
Our vocab decks are some of the best around and are invaluable to starting a new language. Normally, they’d run you an additional $20, but for this week only, you get one for free.
FREE Minimal Pairs Trainer
And our newest offerings, the minimal pair trainers, are an invaluable tool for learning to hear your target language. And you get one for free!
This bundle is easily over $3000 of value, but you can get it today for only $191!!
Your purchase is 100% protected by our 90-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee.