Best Spanish Series On Netflix

Ben Adams
May 26, 2022
7:29 pm
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Best Netflix Shows for Spanish Beginners

TV shows and movies are by far my favorite way to immerse in a foreign language. They provide a lot of content, usually have matching subs, clear audio and are very compelling, even when your comprehension is low, but people often ask “what are the best Spanish series on Netflix”?

At the time of writing this post, I have immersed in Spanish language (okay, mostly Mexican) Netflix for over 200 hours. I attribute a lot of my ability to easily listen and follow stories and topics to watching all these shows.

Here is my list of the Best Spanish Series on Netflix:

Madre solo hay dos

Best Spanish series on Netflix:Madre solo hay dos

Story: 7/10
Characters: 9/10
Visual Interest: 6/10
Filmography: 5/10
Overall: 8/10

“After realizing their babies were exchanged at birth, two women develop a plan to adjust to their new lives, creating a single — and peculiar — family.”

  • Country: Mexico
  • Season Available: 2
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Matching Subs: Yes

After reading the summary for the show, I was skeptical of whether or not I would like it. But, I decided to give it a try anyway and was completely surprised by what I found. Madre solo hay dos quickly became one of my favorite shows I’d watched.

It’s touching, sweet and feels like there are real learning moments for everyone involved.

The characters are so well written and acted, that they all feel like people you’ve seen countless times on the bus or on the street.

I really wish there were more seasons of this show since I think it’s one of the best options out there for learners who are looking to start their immersion.

Las crónicas del taco

Best Spanish series on Netflix:Las crónicas del taco.

Story: Not applicable
Characters: 6/10
Visual Interest: 8/10
Filmography: 7/10
Overall: 7/10

“Many of the most popular taco styles have long and rich, but little-known, histories; this docuseries explores some of them in this eye-opening, mouthwatering food adventure.”

  • Country: Mexico
  • Season Available: 2
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Matching Subs: Yes

This show is very simple in its premise, but delivers a wonderful experience for both your eyes and ears. Each episode focuses on a different style of taco from a different part of Mexico (and a few other places).

There are many different “characters” who you get to follow, and it gives the experience of a story being told.

The aesthetics of the show are very pleasing, from the physical shooting locations to the animations used to tell the history of various tacos.

You can almost smell the food and should make sure to have snacks close by.

¿Quién mató a Sara?

Best Spanish series on Netflix:¿Quién mató a Sara?

Story: 7/10
Characters: 9/10
Visual Interest: 7/10
Filmography: 5/10
Overall: 8.5/10

“After being framed for his sister’s murder, Alex is hell-bent on exacting revenge and finding the real culprit.”

  • Country: Mexico
  • Season Available: 2
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Matching Subs: Yes

This show is a great early choice because it’s incredibly compelling as well as being interesting in its storytelling and character development. There are constant twists and turns to keep you interested all the way through.

The story is told non-linearly but is always clear with what it’s saying. If you enjoy shows where each piece of new information completely warps your guesses and feelings, then this is the show for you

Luis Miguel: La serie

Story: 8/10
Characters: 9/10
Visual Interest: 7/10
Filmography: 7/10
Overall: 9/10

“Micky, a young, naturally talented singer, enjoys life, love and security with his beloved mother, but when he turns 11, his father tries to turn him into a superstar.”

  • Country: Mexico
  • Season Available: 3
  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Matching Subs: Yes

This is the only show on the list that I have marked as “hard”, but I think it absolutely deserves to be here. It is amazing. It has great characters, a gripping story and wonderful music to boot. Apparently, all the vocals are done by the actors you seen on screen which is amazing!

If you’ve never heard of Luis Miguel, and you’re learning Spanish, this is probably a very important cultural experience for you. Thankfully, it’s wrapped up in an amazing TV show so it’ll hardly feel like work!

This is one of the few shows that I would even recommend to people who don’t speak a word of Spanish, it’s just so good and interesting.

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