
Refold Premium Decks

The finest, locally sourced, organic vocabulary decks.

Refold Language Mastery Courses

Tailored strategies, immersive experiences, and a commitment to your language success define each course.

Level Up Your Listening

Struggling to understand native speakers? You’re not alone! Listening is one of the hardest skills to develop when learning a new language. We guide you through every step of the process, showing you exactly how to develop your ear and become a confident listener.

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When you've finished this course, you will:

  • Understand all the important activities for improving your listening.

  • Feel a large leap in your listening abilities.

  • Have total confidence in your learning routine.

  • Be challenged in your language learning and make progress again,

  • Have a network of learners and Refold coaches to support you.

Teach Yourself A Language

Teach Yourself A Language

Achieve fluency faster than ever before. Our coaching team meticulously designed this course to equip you with the necessary techniques, resources, and support to overcome any obstacle and streamline the creation of your perfect language-learning routine.

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When you’ve finished this course, you will:

  • Understand HOW to learn a language.

  • Feel 100% confident that you’re using the right tools and techniques.

  • Experience a massive acceleration in your learning speed.

  • Rediscover and rekindle your passion for language learning.

  • Have strong and sustainable habits that will ensure your long-term success.

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Learn the 6 SECRETS to language learning success

Why traditional learning leads to FAILURE and HEARTBREAK for 99% of learners. (Hint: It's not your fault.)
How language learning marketing has brainwashed you and set you up for failure.
What fluency actually means.
The key to speaking comfortably and fluently in a second language.
How to build a language instinct just like you have in your native language.
Why grammar drills are a waste of time, and where you should focus your time instead.


Learn the 6 SECRETS to language learning success

Why traditional learning leads to FAILURE and HEARTBREAK for 99% of learners. (Hint: It's not your fault.)
How language learning marketing has brainwashed you and set you up for failure.
What fluency actually means.
The key to speaking comfortably and fluently in a second language.
How to build a language instinct just like you have in your native language.
Why grammar drills are a waste of time, and where you should focus your time instead.