What’s The Best Spanish Homeschool Curriculum?

27 de agosto de 2024
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My Search For the Best Spanish Homeschool Curriculum

When I first decided to homeschool my daughter three years ago, I went on a quest to find the best Spanish homeschool curriculum. As someone who didn’t grow up bilingual, I didn’t want that for my daughter. I wanted to give my child the gift of language learning.

As I searched, I discovered company after company claiming to have the best Spanish homeschool curriculum. Each boasted its own unique method, process, and miraculous stories. So, I did what any rational adult who was desperate to teach their child a language would do—I tried as many as I could afford.

There’s No Perfect Homeschool Curriculum for Spanish…

On my hunt to find the perfect homeschool curriculum for Spanish, I found and tried several products for homeschool languages. But despite each system’s outrageous claims of success, nothing clicked for my daughter.

Why? Because…

  • Spanish workbooks were boring and only taught things like numbers and colors. She hated working through them.
  • Online Spanish classes were too intense. My daughter dreaded going. The teachers would drill grammar rules and expect her to speak in a language she couldn’t understand. She was so frustrated that she couldn’t communicate!
  • Bilingual children’s stories were fun, but buying books was expensive. She lost interest in them before she absorbed enough information to understand them.
  • Spanish apps for kids were entertaining, but progress was slow. They didn’t teach her how people use Spanish in the real world.
  • None of the Spanish curriculums were complete methods. Even if I found a resource that I liked, it only focused on one area of the language or didn’t have enough content to teach her enough about the language to understand and use it.

The Problem With Homeschool Spanish Curriculums

The problem with most homeschool Spanish curriculum options and traditional language education is that they’re ineffective for most people. (Including me. I’m most people…)

I could count on one hand the number of people who had a good experience in their language classes, and I don’t know anyone who reached fluency with apps like Rosetta Stone or Duolingo.

Do you?

Is this because only a few people have a talent for learning languages? Is your homeschool Spanish student DOOMED to fail before they even start?

No! Everyone has what it takes to learn a language! We were all able to learn our first language, right? (The fact that you’re reading this now is proof of that.) So then, why is learning a foreign language so difficult? The problem isn’t our brains.

The problem is that the way languages are traditionally taught is fundamentally flawed.

A New Way to Think About Spanish for Homeschool

When I initially decided to teach my daughter a foreign language, I decided that I needed to learn Spanish first if we were going to have any success. I thought, “How can I homeschool in Spanish if I don’t even know the language?

The problem? I failed to learn a language several times in my life. I thought I was doomed to fail, but after discovering Refold (the company I’m writing this blog for—they hired me), I began to think about Spanish for homeschool differently.

They taught me a new way to learn a language with immersion (in other words, watching and reading lots of content in Spanish). It seemed too good to be true—learning a language by watching TV and reading fantasy books? But I was desperate, and I gave it a try. And I’m so glad I did because…

  • Instead of studying boring textbooks, I learned directly from entertaining Spanish media.
  • Instead of struggling to memorize grammar rules, I learned about grammar as I encountered it naturally through reading.
  • Instead of fumbling my way through conversations I couldn’t understand, I listened to podcasts and audiobooks to learn how people actually used the language.
  • Instead of dreading studying the language, I looked forward to spending time with it every day for over four years because it was fun.

And guess what? I went from understanding NOTHING in Spanish to reading giant fantasy books, listening to audiobooks at full speed, having engaging conversations, and having fun ALL in Spanish.

This experience changed the way I viewed Spanish for homeschool. I wanted to teach my daughter how to teach herself a language, just like I did, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I’ll Send You My FREE Spanish Workbook

Since I couldn’t find a homeschool Spanish curriculum that worked for my daughter, I decided to make a Spanish workbook on my own. And guess what, not only does she love it…but it works! She has a 95% retention rate of all the words she’s learned so far with it.

I shared my notebook with several people in my homeschool communities. After flipping through it, they were shocked that I was just giving it away for free. But I believe that every child should have the gift of language.

That’s why I’m sharing the Spanish workbook PDF I made for my daughter AND the email course I created to accompany it for FREE!

And guess what? You don’t need to know Spanish or have any special skills to utilize this homeschool language curriculum. My FREE week-long email course will teach you everything you need to know to teach in order to create your own homeschool language routine that works by harnessing the power of immersion at home!

The best part? You probably already have all the materials you need to teach your child Spanish, or any other language, at home.

Claim Your Free Spanish Workbook PDF Email Course Today!

Start your FREE language adventure today!

Turn your home into the BEST language classroom.

When you sign up, you will:
  • Learn the secrets of how to help your child actually WANT to learn a language – they won’t dread learning with this method!
  • Receive a FREE step-by-step email course to ensure that you know how to teach your child a language from home
  • Have access to our “Word Detective Journals” which are carefully designed to help your kids learn vocabulary in a fun and effective way
  • Be on your way to giving your child a lifelong skill that most adults wish they had (I mean, wouldn’t YOU like to speak another language?)

Email Course + Workbook PDFs

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Conozca los 6 SECRETOS del éxito en el aprendizaje de idiomas

Por qué el aprendizaje tradicional lleva al FRACASO y al CORAZÓN ROTO al 99% de los alumnos. (Pista: no es culpa tuya).
Cómo el marketing para el aprendizaje de idiomas te ha lavado el cerebro y te ha conducido al camino del fracaso.
Qué significa realmente la fluidez.
La clave para hablar cómodamente y con fluidez en un nuevo idioma.
Cómo crear un instinto lingüístico igual al que tienes en tu lengua materna.
Por qué los ejercicios de gramática son una pérdida de tiempo y debería dedicar su tiempo.


Conozca los 6 SECRETOS del éxito en el aprendizaje de idiomas

Por qué el aprendizaje tradicional lleva al FRACASO y al CORAZÓN ROTO al 99% de los alumnos. (Pista: no es culpa tuya).
Cómo el marketing para el aprendizaje de idiomas te ha lavado el cerebro y te ha conducido al camino del fracaso.
Qué significa realmente la fluidez.
La clave para hablar cómodamente y con fluidez en un nuevo idioma.
Cómo crear un instinto lingüístico igual al que tienes en tu lengua materna.
Por qué los ejercicios de gramática son una pérdida de tiempo y debería dedicar su tiempo.