The Best Language Learning Resources

8 de octubre de 2024
18.00 h
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The core part of the Refold method is using media and entertainment to learn a new language. The method works, tons of people have acquired a new language and had a lot of fun at the same time. That is great, in theory, but in practice finding content and quality language learning resources can be difficult.

That’s where the Refold Crowdsource Docs come in. These are free resources that are curated by our community (By the way, if you’re not a member, you should consider joining our community—it’s free! Click here to join).

They contain the essentials like:

  • Links to frequency vocabulary so you learn words that are ACTUALLY used
  • The best dictionaries, so you never have to doubt the quality of the definitions
  • Grammar guides so you can figure out tricky grammar points
  • Links to high-quality YouTube channels and streaming services in a variety of languages!

The Refold Crowdsource Docs are a valuable resource, particularly for less common languages, where even paid learning materials are difficult to find.

If you want to watch a video version explaining this page, watch this video:

Published Language Learning Resources

Here’s a list of our current supported languages! These docs meet a minimum standard of 50 different resources AND a comprehensive beginner’s section!

LanguageResource LinkSubmission Link

These languages are in progress and need more resources…

LanguageSubmission Link
🇮🇱Modern Hebrew
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿Scottish Gaelic
🇸🇦Modern Standard Arabic
If your language isn’t on here, and you want to be a curator, reach out to Ben (Mycheze) or Clayton (George Pig) on the Refold Discord.

We hope you find these as useful as we do!

There are a lot of language learning resources out there. Finding them is the tricky part, and judging them for quality is even trickier (how do you judge something as a beginner). Hopefully, the time the Refold community spent creating these docs will save you tons of time on your language journey!

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Conozca los 6 SECRETOS del éxito en el aprendizaje de idiomas

Por qué el aprendizaje tradicional lleva al FRACASO y al CORAZÓN ROTO al 99% de los alumnos. (Pista: no es culpa tuya).
Cómo el marketing para el aprendizaje de idiomas te ha lavado el cerebro y te ha conducido al camino del fracaso.
Qué significa realmente la fluidez.
La clave para hablar cómodamente y con fluidez en un nuevo idioma.
Cómo crear un instinto lingüístico igual al que tienes en tu lengua materna.
Por qué los ejercicios de gramática son una pérdida de tiempo y debería dedicar su tiempo.


Conozca los 6 SECRETOS del éxito en el aprendizaje de idiomas

Por qué el aprendizaje tradicional lleva al FRACASO y al CORAZÓN ROTO al 99% de los alumnos. (Pista: no es culpa tuya).
Cómo el marketing para el aprendizaje de idiomas te ha lavado el cerebro y te ha conducido al camino del fracaso.
Qué significa realmente la fluidez.
La clave para hablar cómodamente y con fluidez en un nuevo idioma.
Cómo crear un instinto lingüístico igual al que tienes en tu lengua materna.
Por qué los ejercicios de gramática son una pérdida de tiempo y debería dedicar su tiempo.