Japanese Vocabulary Deck

Are you studying Japanese? OH BOY, do we have a great tool for you! Our optimized and beautiful immersion-focused vocabulary deck will kickstart your Japanese comprehension and get you understanding native Japanese speakers in no time.

30 días de garantía de devolución de dinero

¿Qué incluye?
  •  days of vocabulary practice
  • -picked example sentences
  •  native audio
  •  Anki flashcard deck
  •  on desktop, mobile, or web
Opening quotation mark iconThe hardest part of learning a language is basic comprehension. Once you can understand enough to have fun, you'll never want to stop.Closing quotation mark icon

Acerca del mazo

At Refold, we're focused on teaching you to understand real Japanese. The biggest obstacle to understanding a language is vocabulary. We created this deck so you can learn the most important words and kanji as fast as possible. Before you know it, you’ll be watching anime in Japanese and LOVING it.

Kanji fluency

Japanese is more difficult than other languages because you need to learn both vocabulary AND the kanji that represents that vocabulary. In the past, learners would study kanji and vocabulary separately. They would consciously break down the kanji into its component parts (aka. radicals) as a way to help them remember.

We’ve taken a different approach and combined these two activities into a single process. The goal of this deck is to take advantage of your brain’s pattern recognition so that you can learn to recognize a kanji the same way you’d recognize a human face.

By using this deck, you’ll learn to understand more than 1,000 words in Japanese, and you’ll learn to recognize ~700 unique kanji.

Optimized for your learning

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Atributos del mazo

Flash card with audio waveform

Native audio

Learn what Japanese is supposed to sound like with high-quality audio recorded by a native Japanese speaker.

Flash card with picture

Descriptive images

Reinforce what you learn with concrete high-resolution visuals.

Flash card with example sentence

Example sentences

Learn words in context with real example sentences, handwritten by Japanese teachers and sorted by difficulty to optimize your learning.

Estudiantes les encanta el mazo

I am starting to recognize words from the JP1K deck in my immersion and I even remember their meaning, it looks like I am also able to recognize the topic, subject and object of sentences in some instances
over 100 words on the 1k deck right now and feeling like im starting to get a hang of things! Also feeling very good about my pace as in the past, I have really overdone it with Anki and burned out after a few months. 6 new cards a day in French and Japanese is feeling very doable
Super beginner here, watched all of ゆるキャンプ・ドラマ today and understood surprisingly a fair amount. LOTS of kanji and vocabulary that I saw during my Anki study were popping up and reinforcing my retention during the show. I ams urprised by my progress thus far and look forward to 100% comprehension!
So as to give some feedback for the jp1k sentence deck, I am not well versed in what makes a good card or what might not, but I have to say, this deck alone has sky rocketed my comprehension, I love it so much and it is super fun to come back to everyday! I hope that at some point a separate jp2k deck comes out or something where there are 1000 more sentences, because I would really enjoy that :D
Wow the V2 deck is insanely better than the V1. I really struggled with the V1 deck and ended up abandoning it after a couple weeks. I just couldn not recall the meanings of the words no matter how hard I tried. This new deck is completely different. THe example sentences make such a huge difference. I love how the sentences incorporate words you have already learned and they really help me retain the meanings of the words. So much work went into this deck and it really shows. Kuddos.
That took awhile, but I've finally got where I'm consistently immersing, and doing JP1k (which you should check out by the way, it's amazing so far). I'm currently about 40% of the way through JP1k, should be finished with it by next month at my current pace, maybe sooner since I'm thinking about increasing the number of new cards I learn every day.
The new JP1k is soooooo good guys! It is freaking awesome, love the fact that it tells you which steps to follow for every word and that the sentences are gradually created with the words that appeared before!!!(just started right now haha) I was mid JP1k v1 but I am totally in for another ride with this one
The benefit of the new JP1Kv2 deck for those at Stage 2C+ is so underrated! Periodically listening to the isolated pitch accent for the most common words outside of immersion is chef's kiss
REALLY digging the new deck. Seems so much easier for me to remember things having the sentences there.
After seeing 100 words from the JP1k Anki deck I was able to read this short passage. I understood 98% of it without lookups. Nowhere near the levell of most people here but I'm happy with my progress so far. This is day 11 of using Refold for Japanese, this stuff works. Can't wait to finish the 1k deck and start immersing more and understanding what I'm listening to :D
I've been rewatching teasing master Takagi san, which was the first ever show I immersed with when starting refold. It feels so motivating to understand so much of a show were I wasn't even sure what the characters names were the first time around
idk if this is a win but I'm doing jp1k (half of it) and I understood all kanji from this instagram story
I hit 100 cards in JP1K today, after missing yesterday and having quite a bit waiting for me to catch up on today. I am also <50% mature on my hiragana, which feels nice. Immersion has been a little slow lately, but I'm understanding more and more conversational japanese everyday, which is nice.
100 words into jp1k and I'm already seeing the words I've learned used in a couple places in animes I'm immersing in. Only a few days in, and this feeling is very motivating.
I think I just experienced my first 'snap' moment. I went back to listen to some of Perfume's songs, whose lyrics I am familiar with, but previously only knew as sounds without meaning. As I'm listening, I start catching that some of teh wards are ones I know, and I felt this weird shifting feeling in my head. They morphed from being just 'sounds' that I know, to actually carrying some meaning.
100 words in to jp1k and I was looking through my jpop playlist and I started recognizing kanji ITS CLICKING
I'm only 4-5 days into the jp1k v2 but I feel it's much better than v1. Something that drags your progress with the v1 deck is how easily the cards are forgotten, even if you saw them 10 seconds ago.
On my 2nd day of jp1k deck and I'm already recognising words while watching (reading immersion) non non biyori
Normally I keep to myself but nobody gets how progress feels unless they are also going through it. But basically I finished JP1k and now my reviews for the deck take like half the time, which is awesome. I notice a lot of words in my immersion and can occasionally understand an entire sentence. When I read its easier to understand stuff that I otherwise couldn't. I can just tell I'm making progress and I just wanted to share
About 6 weeks into immersion and 70% of the way through the JP1k deck and I'm starting to feel that Kanji fluency, I've noticed I have to look at characters way less often to remember the reading.
Finished JP1k today, haven't missed a day since 3rd of July, I also do sentence mining while doing this deck, Proud to say I'm at around 2B - C, I have tried turning off Japanese sub lately and it's surprising how much I can understand and improve
I am starting to recognize words from the JP1K deck in my immersion and I even remember their meaning, it looks like I am also able to recognize the topic, subject and object of sentences in some instances
over 100 words on the 1k deck right now and feeling like im starting to get a hang of things! Also feeling very good about my pace as in the past, I have really overdone it with Anki and burned out after a few months. 6 new cards a day in French and Japanese is feeling very doable
Super beginner here, watched all of ゆるキャンプ・ドラマ today and understood surprisingly a fair amount. LOTS of kanji and vocabulary that I saw during my Anki study were popping up and reinforcing my retention during the show. I ams urprised by my progress thus far and look forward to 100% comprehension!
So as to give some feedback for the jp1k sentence deck, I am not well versed in what makes a good card or what might not, but I have to say, this deck alone has sky rocketed my comprehension, I love it so much and it is super fun to come back to everyday! I hope that at some point a separate jp2k deck comes out or something where there are 1000 more sentences, because I would really enjoy that :D
Wow the V2 deck is insanely better than the V1. I really struggled with the V1 deck and ended up abandoning it after a couple weeks. I just couldn not recall the meanings of the words no matter how hard I tried. This new deck is completely different. THe example sentences make such a huge difference. I love how the sentences incorporate words you have already learned and they really help me retain the meanings of the words. So much work went into this deck and it really shows. Kuddos.
That took awhile, but I've finally got where I'm consistently immersing, and doing JP1k (which you should check out by the way, it's amazing so far). I'm currently about 40% of the way through JP1k, should be finished with it by next month at my current pace, maybe sooner since I'm thinking about increasing the number of new cards I learn every day.
The new JP1k is soooooo good guys! It is freaking awesome, love the fact that it tells you which steps to follow for every word and that the sentences are gradually created with the words that appeared before!!!(just started right now haha) I was mid JP1k v1 but I am totally in for another ride with this one
The benefit of the new JP1Kv2 deck for those at Stage 2C+ is so underrated! Periodically listening to the isolated pitch accent for the most common words outside of immersion is chef's kiss
REALLY digging the new deck. Seems so much easier for me to remember things having the sentences there.
After seeing 100 words from the JP1k Anki deck I was able to read this short passage. I understood 98% of it without lookups. Nowhere near the levell of most people here but I'm happy with my progress so far. This is day 11 of using Refold for Japanese, this stuff works. Can't wait to finish the 1k deck and start immersing more and understanding what I'm listening to :D
I've been rewatching teasing master Takagi san, which was the first ever show I immersed with when starting refold. It feels so motivating to understand so much of a show were I wasn't even sure what the characters names were the first time around
idk if this is a win but I'm doing jp1k (half of it) and I understood all kanji from this instagram story
I hit 100 cards in JP1K today, after missing yesterday and having quite a bit waiting for me to catch up on today. I am also <50% mature on my hiragana, which feels nice. Immersion has been a little slow lately, but I'm understanding more and more conversational japanese everyday, which is nice.
100 words into jp1k and I'm already seeing the words I've learned used in a couple places in animes I'm immersing in. Only a few days in, and this feeling is very motivating.
I think I just experienced my first 'snap' moment. I went back to listen to some of Perfume's songs, whose lyrics I am familiar with, but previously only knew as sounds without meaning. As I'm listening, I start catching that some of teh wards are ones I know, and I felt this weird shifting feeling in my head. They morphed from being just 'sounds' that I know, to actually carrying some meaning.
100 words in to jp1k and I was looking through my jpop playlist and I started recognizing kanji ITS CLICKING
I'm only 4-5 days into the jp1k v2 but I feel it's much better than v1. Something that drags your progress with the v1 deck is how easily the cards are forgotten, even if you saw them 10 seconds ago.
On my 2nd day of jp1k deck and I'm already recognising words while watching (reading immersion) non non biyori
Normally I keep to myself but nobody gets how progress feels unless they are also going through it. But basically I finished JP1k and now my reviews for the deck take like half the time, which is awesome. I notice a lot of words in my immersion and can occasionally understand an entire sentence. When I read its easier to understand stuff that I otherwise couldn't. I can just tell I'm making progress and I just wanted to share
About 6 weeks into immersion and 70% of the way through the JP1k deck and I'm starting to feel that Kanji fluency, I've noticed I have to look at characters way less often to remember the reading.
Finished JP1k today, haven't missed a day since 3rd of July, I also do sentence mining while doing this deck, Proud to say I'm at around 2B - C, I have tried turning off Japanese sub lately and it's surprising how much I can understand and improve
I am starting to recognize words from the JP1K deck in my immersion and I even remember their meaning, it looks like I am also able to recognize the topic, subject and object of sentences in some instances
over 100 words on the 1k deck right now and feeling like im starting to get a hang of things! Also feeling very good about my pace as in the past, I have really overdone it with Anki and burned out after a few months. 6 new cards a day in French and Japanese is feeling very doable
Super beginner here, watched all of ゆるキャンプ・ドラマ today and understood surprisingly a fair amount. LOTS of kanji and vocabulary that I saw during my Anki study were popping up and reinforcing my retention during the show. I ams urprised by my progress thus far and look forward to 100% comprehension!
So as to give some feedback for the jp1k sentence deck, I am not well versed in what makes a good card or what might not, but I have to say, this deck alone has sky rocketed my comprehension, I love it so much and it is super fun to come back to everyday! I hope that at some point a separate jp2k deck comes out or something where there are 1000 more sentences, because I would really enjoy that :D
Wow the V2 deck is insanely better than the V1. I really struggled with the V1 deck and ended up abandoning it after a couple weeks. I just couldn not recall the meanings of the words no matter how hard I tried. This new deck is completely different. THe example sentences make such a huge difference. I love how the sentences incorporate words you have already learned and they really help me retain the meanings of the words. So much work went into this deck and it really shows. Kuddos.
That took awhile, but I've finally got where I'm consistently immersing, and doing JP1k (which you should check out by the way, it's amazing so far). I'm currently about 40% of the way through JP1k, should be finished with it by next month at my current pace, maybe sooner since I'm thinking about increasing the number of new cards I learn every day.
The new JP1k is soooooo good guys! It is freaking awesome, love the fact that it tells you which steps to follow for every word and that the sentences are gradually created with the words that appeared before!!!(just started right now haha) I was mid JP1k v1 but I am totally in for another ride with this one
The benefit of the new JP1Kv2 deck for those at Stage 2C+ is so underrated! Periodically listening to the isolated pitch accent for the most common words outside of immersion is chef's kiss
REALLY digging the new deck. Seems so much easier for me to remember things having the sentences there.
After seeing 100 words from the JP1k Anki deck I was able to read this short passage. I understood 98% of it without lookups. Nowhere near the levell of most people here but I'm happy with my progress so far. This is day 11 of using Refold for Japanese, this stuff works. Can't wait to finish the 1k deck and start immersing more and understanding what I'm listening to :D
I've been rewatching teasing master Takagi san, which was the first ever show I immersed with when starting refold. It feels so motivating to understand so much of a show were I wasn't even sure what the characters names were the first time around
idk if this is a win but I'm doing jp1k (half of it) and I understood all kanji from this instagram story
I hit 100 cards in JP1K today, after missing yesterday and having quite a bit waiting for me to catch up on today. I am also <50% mature on my hiragana, which feels nice. Immersion has been a little slow lately, but I'm understanding more and more conversational japanese everyday, which is nice.
100 words into jp1k and I'm already seeing the words I've learned used in a couple places in animes I'm immersing in. Only a few days in, and this feeling is very motivating.
I think I just experienced my first 'snap' moment. I went back to listen to some of Perfume's songs, whose lyrics I am familiar with, but previously only knew as sounds without meaning. As I'm listening, I start catching that some of teh wards are ones I know, and I felt this weird shifting feeling in my head. They morphed from being just 'sounds' that I know, to actually carrying some meaning.
100 words in to jp1k and I was looking through my jpop playlist and I started recognizing kanji ITS CLICKING
I'm only 4-5 days into the jp1k v2 but I feel it's much better than v1. Something that drags your progress with the v1 deck is how easily the cards are forgotten, even if you saw them 10 seconds ago.
On my 2nd day of jp1k deck and I'm already recognising words while watching (reading immersion) non non biyori
Normally I keep to myself but nobody gets how progress feels unless they are also going through it. But basically I finished JP1k and now my reviews for the deck take like half the time, which is awesome. I notice a lot of words in my immersion and can occasionally understand an entire sentence. When I read its easier to understand stuff that I otherwise couldn't. I can just tell I'm making progress and I just wanted to share
About 6 weeks into immersion and 70% of the way through the JP1k deck and I'm starting to feel that Kanji fluency, I've noticed I have to look at characters way less often to remember the reading.
Finished JP1k today, haven't missed a day since 3rd of July, I also do sentence mining while doing this deck, Proud to say I'm at around 2B - C, I have tried turning off Japanese sub lately and it's surprising how much I can understand and improve

Preguntas frecuentes

What's new in v3?
Can I upgrade from v2 to v3?
Couldn't I build my own deck?
Why shouldn't I use Duolingo?
Aren't there free decks available?
Will this make me fluent?
What content should I consume with the deck?
I finished the deck, now what?
How were the words chosen?
How many kanji are taught throughout the deck?
Are the sentences 1T?