Korean Vocabulary and Grammar Deck

Do you love watching K-dramas or singing K-pop in the shower? If so, you’ve come to the right place! This deck teaches you all the core vocabulary and grammar you need to kickstart your Korean learning. It holds your hand from learning your first word in Korean all the way to understanding complex sentences. You will develop an instinctual understanding of Korean so you can enjoy your favorite Korean media.

Now introducing the KO1K deck. Some example cards from the deck are visible.

30 días de garantía de devolución de dinero

¿Qué incluye?
  •  days of vocabulary practice
  • -made example sentences
  •  native audio
  •  Anki flashcard deck
  •  on desktop, mobile, or web
Opening quotation mark iconThe hardest part of learning a language is basic comprehension. Once you can understand enough to have fun, you'll never want to stop.Closing quotation mark icon

Acerca del mazo

Refold is focused on teaching you to understand real Korean. The biggest obstacle to understanding a language is vocabulary. We created this deck so you can learn the most important words as fast as possible.

When you finish this deck, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence you need to understand about 85% of Korean dramas and YouTube videos. Before you know it, you’ll be watching K-dramas and LOVING them.

Optimized for your learning

About 99% of the sentences in this deck introduce only one thing: either a new word or a useful grammar point. You will never feel overwhelmed by there being too many new things on one card. Best of all, when you are done with this deck you’ll know exactly what kind of sentences to look for when making your own cards in Anki.

Grammar AND Vocab?

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Atributos del mazo

Flash card with audio waveform

Native Audio

Learn what Korean actually sounds like with high-quality audio recorded by a native Korean speaker.

Flash card with picture

Descriptive Images

Reinforce what you learn with concrete, high-resolution visuals

Flash card with example sentence

Example Sentences

Learn words in context with custom-made example sentences based on real, spoken Korean.

Preguntas frecuentes

Do I need to study additional grammar if I use this deck?
Couldn't I build my own deck?
Why shouldn't I use Duolingo?
Aren't there free decks available?
Will this make me fluent?
What content should I consume with the deck?
I finished the deck, now what?
How were the words chosen?
Are the sentences 1T?
What’s new in version 2?
Can I upgrade from version 1 to version 2?