Fundamental Vocabulary to Learn Italian

Are you learning Italian? If so, our beautifully-designed vocabulary deck is exactly what you need to take your Italian comprehension to the next level. Our deck is optimized for fast learning speed, and it has been expertly crafted to make native media as comprehensible as possible. With this deck, you can rest assured that you’ll be understanding and enjoying real Italian TV shows and books in weeks or months, not years.

Se incluyen

  • 100 days of vocabulary practice

  • Hand-picked example sentences

  • Authentic native audio

  • Downloadable Anki flashcard deck

  • Access on desktop, mobile, or web

USD $19.99

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Garantía de reembolso de 30 días

The most critical vocabulary to learn Italian

At Refold, we’re focused on teaching you to understand real Italian. The biggest obstacle to understanding a language is vocabulary, so we created this vocabulary deck to supersize your vocabulary knowledge.

Optimized for rapid vocabulary growth

We began the process of creating the deck by analyzing the most frequent words in real Italian TV shows. From this list, we removed over 1600 words that you can easily learn through immersion (i.e. words that look the same as English words or are just similar forms of words you’ve already learned). This left only the cream of the crop — the 1000 most words that are the most important to learn through dedicated vocabulary study.

When you combine the 1000 words in this deck with the 1600 words you can easily learn through immersion, you’ll know 2600 words in just 3 months! As we teach in our Teach Yourself a Language Course, this is enough words to understand and enjoy real native media content.

And that’s not all!

In addition to painstakingly analyzing the most important words that beginners need to learn, we also hired native-speaking Italian teachers from the well-known Italy Made Easy courses to create authentic example sentences with audio. This way, you can learn all of these new words in context, gaining a deeper intuitive understanding of how they are actually used in real life.

We even optimized the sentence order! Over 90% of the sentences in this vocabulary deck introduce only one new word at a time.

Learning Italian vocabulary has never been easier than with the IT1K Vocabulary Deck.

Leer más
The hardest part of learning a language is basic comprehension. Once you can understand enough to have fun, you'll never want to stop.

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Native Audio

Learn what Italian is supposed to sound like with high-quality audio recorded by a native Italian speaker.

Descriptive Images

Reinforce what you learn with concrete high-resolution visuals.

Example Sentences

Learn words in context with real example sentences, handwritten by Italian teachers and sorted by difficulty to optimize your learning.

Preguntas frecuentes

  • Couldn't I build my own deck?

    Yep! It just takes time, energy, and effort. The Italian deck took our team of data scientists, high-level Italian learners, and Italian natives about 150 hours to create. We’ve done the hard work so you don’t have to.

  • Why shouldn't I use Duolingo?

    If it’s your first time studying a language, then you probably should.

    Duolingo is a language-learning video game. It’s a great way to try out a language to see if you like it and to build a daily habit of engaging with the language.

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t get you very far, and definitely won’t help you understand Italian.

  • Aren't there free decks available?

    Yep! But they have a few problems:

    1. They aren’t focused on helping you understand TV shows and casual conversation.
    2. They haven’t filtered out the “easy words”.
    3. They don’t have native audio.
    4. The example sentences (if they even have any) are crowdsourced and usually low quality.

    If you want to use a free deck, here’s the best we’ve found:

  • Will this make me fluent?

    NO! This just builds the initial foundation for understanding Italian. Fluency comes after thousands of hours spent with the language.

  • What content should I consume with the deck?

    Check out our Italian quickstart guide for content recommendations.

  • I finished the deck, now what?

    Congrats 🥳! Head on over to our guide on sentence mining to learn how to make cards directly from your immersion.

  • How were the words chosen?

    We began the deck creation process by analyzing the most frequent words in real Italian TV shows. From this list, we cut out over 1600 words that you can learn easily through immersion (words that look the same as English words or words that are just similar form of a word you already learned). This left just the cream of the crop — the 1000 most words that are the most important to learn through dedicated vocabulary study.

    Native Italian TV shows used:

    • 18 regali
    • Strappare lungo i bordi
    • Caffè Sospeso
    • Fedeltà
    • Sempre più Bello
    • Generazione 56K
    • Guida astrologica per cuori infranti
    • Baby
    • La vita davanti a sé
    • Il filo invisible
    • Maggie & Bianca
    • Me contro Te: Il film – La vendetta del Signor S
    • Mio fratello, mia sorella
    • New School
    • Sulla stessa onda
    • Pimpa
    • 4 metà
    • SKAM Italia
    • Slam
    • Sotto il sole di Riccione
    • Sul più bello
    • Tre metri sopra il cielo
    • Natale a cinque stelle
    • Gli Infedeli
    • Zero
    • Blanca
    • Nero a metà
    • Incastrati
    • Curon
    • Lazzaro felice
    • In vacanza su Marte
    • Il Divin Codino : L’art du but par Roberto Baggio
    • The App
    • L’incredibile storia dell’Isola delle Rose
    • L’uomo senza gravità
    • La Belva
    • È stata la mano di Dio
    • Sulla mia pelle
    • Luna Park
    • Il processo
    • Il legame
    • Luna nera
    • Non mi uccidere
    • L’ultimo paradiso
    • Rimetti a noi i nostri debiti
    • First Team: Juventus
    • Ritoccàti
    • SanPa – Luci e tenebre di San Patrignano
    • Security
    • Sogno Azzurro: la strada per Wembley
    • Suburra – La serie
    • Ultras
    • A Classic Horror Story
    • Lo spietato
    • Vendetta
    • Yara


    Non-Italian TV shows with Italian subs used:

    • Community
    • Friends from College
    • Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
    • Glee
    • Seinfeld
    • The Good Place
    • The Office
    • The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
  • Are the sentences i+1?

    Yes, over 90% of the sentences in this deck are i+1. That means they only introduce one new word at a time.

  • Is the audio made by a native Italian speaker?

    Yes, the audio was produced by a native speaker from Italy Made Easy.

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