Fundamental Vocabulary to Learn Japanese

Are you studying Japanese? OH BOY, do we have a great tool for you! Our optimized and beautiful immersion-focused vocabulary deck will kickstart your Japanese comprehension and get you understanding native Japanese speakers in no time.

Se incluyen

  • 100 days of vocabulary practice

  • Hand-picked example sentences

  • Authentic native audio

  • Downloadable Anki flashcard deck

  • Access on desktop, mobile, or web

USD $19.99

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The most critical vocabulary to learn Japanese

At Refold, we’re focused on teaching you to understand real Japanese. The biggest obstacle to understanding a language is vocabulary. We created this deck so you can learn the most important words and kanji as fast as possible. Before you know it, you’ll be watching anime in Japanese and LOVING it.

Kanji fluency

Japanese is more difficult than other languages because you need to learn both vocabulary AND the kanji that represents that vocabulary. In the past, learners would study kanji and vocabulary separately. They would consciously break down the kanji into its component parts (aka. radicals) as a way to help them remember.

We’ve taken a different approach and combined these two activities into a single process. The goal of this deck is to take advantage of your brain’s pattern recognition so that you can learn to recognize a kanji the same way you’d recognize a human face.

By using this deck, you’ll learn to understand more than 1,000 words in Japanese, and you’ll learn to recognize ~700 unique kanji.

Optimized for your learning

You’ll be happy to know that over 90% of the example sentences used in this deck only introduce one word at a time. This is great because when there’s only one new word, the sentence will be much easier to understand. If the sentence is easy to understand, the word will be a lot easier to remember!

Leer más
The hardest part of learning a language is basic comprehension. Once you can understand enough to have fun, you'll never want to stop.

Deck Bundles

Are you a lover of MANY languages? Get a sweet discount on Refold decks by buying them in a neat little bundle.

Todos los mazos en inglés de Refold

Todos los 17 mazos que ofrecemos para personas que ya saben inglés.

Características del mazo

Native audio

Learn what Japanese is supposed to sound like with high-quality audio recorded by a native Japanese speaker.

Descriptive images

Reinforce what you learn with concrete high-resolution visuals.

Example sentences

Learn words in context with real example sentences, handwritten by Japanese teachers and sorted by difficulty to optimize your learning.

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Conozca los 6 SECRETOS del éxito en el aprendizaje de idiomas

Por qué el aprendizaje tradicional lleva al FRACASO y al CORAZÓN ROTO al 99% de los alumnos. (Pista: no es culpa tuya).
Cómo el marketing para el aprendizaje de idiomas te ha lavado el cerebro y te ha conducido al camino del fracaso.
Qué significa realmente la fluidez.
La clave para hablar cómodamente y con fluidez en un nuevo idioma.
Cómo crear un instinto lingüístico igual al que tienes en tu lengua materna.
Por qué los ejercicios de gramática son una pérdida de tiempo y debería dedicar su tiempo.


Conozca los 6 SECRETOS del éxito en el aprendizaje de idiomas

Por qué el aprendizaje tradicional lleva al FRACASO y al CORAZÓN ROTO al 99% de los alumnos. (Pista: no es culpa tuya).
Cómo el marketing para el aprendizaje de idiomas te ha lavado el cerebro y te ha conducido al camino del fracaso.
Qué significa realmente la fluidez.
La clave para hablar cómodamente y con fluidez en un nuevo idioma.
Cómo crear un instinto lingüístico igual al que tienes en tu lengua materna.
Por qué los ejercicios de gramática son una pérdida de tiempo y debería dedicar su tiempo.