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Blog posts and articles all about the language learning process
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Sep 17, 2024
Language Learning

English to Korean: Konglish

You know more Korean words than you think you do Everyone is aware that Korean…

Sep 13, 2024
Language Learning

The Best Language Learning Apps

Learning a language in the modern era is amazing. We have so much language learning…

This is what it feels like when you try to achieve your language learning goals with unrealistic expectations.
Sep 12, 2024

How to Set and Achieve your Language Learning Goals

Feeling stuck with your language progress? Setting clear goals is one of the most important…

Sep 10, 2024
Language Learning

Learning Words in French With The Power of Cognates

When it comes to learning to speak French you need a few things, grammar, a…

When you learn how to learn a language with immersion, your comprehension will increase over time.
Sep 7, 2024

How to Learn a Language: The Refold Method Explained

Ever wondered how to learn a language? Nearly EVERYONE studies a second language as a…

Ben Adams
Jan 4, 2024
Phrasal Verbs

Mazo de phrasal verbs

Los phrasal verbs (o “verbos preposicionales” en español) son muy comunes en el inglĂ©s, especialmente…

Jan 4, 2024
Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs Deck

Phrasal verbs are very common in English, especially in more informal contexts. They are made…

Sep 27, 2023
Language Learning

The Channels of Input

Refold refers to the channels of input a lot, but it isn’t always clear what…

Aug 23, 2023

Exploring Olly Richards’ Language Learning Books: A Comprehensive Guide

Get started with graded readers for ADULTS in your target language.

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