Learning a language with a new spelling system can seem daunting. The spelling can be too similar or too foreign. Japanese uses three different methods of writing, so to learn to read Japanese you’ll need to learn hiragana and katakana, as well as kanji.
Hiragana and katakana are both “syllabaries”, meaning that each letter usually represents a vowel + consonant pair. That is to say the symbols “か” and “カ” both represent the syllable “ka”, instead of writing the “k” and the “a” sounds separately, they’re written as one unit.
Japanese also has a third script called kanji that descend from Chinese characters. Unlike the syllabaries, kanji is an ideographic script, not dissimilar to hieroglyphs. The kanji “人” represents the idea of “person”, and can be read in various ways depending on the context.
What are hiragana and katakana?
Written language first came to Japan in the form of literary Chinese. Chinese, which has a very simple grammar where words do not change often, was written in Chinese characters. These characters were eventually borrowed to write Japanese, sometimes using the Chinese character for its phonetic reading instead of its semantic meaning.
Over time, the Chinese character sets used for writing Japanese simplified down into two character sets called “katakana” and “hiragana”. The usage of the kanas has changed overtime, but since the 1940s hiragana is often used for native Japanese words and grammatical elements, and katakana is used for loan words or to act as a sort of italics.

The Perks of Learning Hiragana and Katakana
You may be asking, “why learn the Japanese script”? Here are a few reasons:
- Japan is a highly literate society. Romanized script is not used very often in Japan, so if you want to be able to work or function in Japanese, you’ll need to know how to read.
- Literacy in your target language is like rocket fuel for learning. Books have a large amount of language density, and expose you to massive amounts of the target language in a very short time.
- Familiarity with the script allows access to Japanese literature, poetry, and folklore in their original form, allowing you to read your favorite works in Japanese.
Learning Japanese is Challenging
Learning Japanese is challenging, and traditional language learning methods don’t work. Many mainstream approaches fail to engage us effectively, while many language apps resemble glorified video games that prioritize entertainment over genuine language acquisition. It’s time to rethink how we approach learning Japanese and find a method that truly facilitates understanding and retention.
That’s why we created the Refold hiragana and katakana deck!
Learn to read Japanese with this free Anki deck, complete with native recorded audio!
Instead of learning the symbols and what sounds they make, we go the other direction. We look at the different sounds of the language and how you can write them. This means that some letters or combinations of letters can represent several sounds, or vice versa!
This deck is meant to be used with the Refold method of language learning. It assumes:
- Mass exposure!
- The deck works best when you practice reading a lot (even Japanese subtitles or manga), because reading real Japanese will constantly enforce the kana in your memory.
- The deck is not a replacement for a structured path for learning vocabulary
- The deck’s vocabulary is limited and focuses on words that include sounds — not the words that you’ll encounter in everyday content.
- This deck is only going to help you become comfortable with the language’s method of writing sounds.
- To learn vocabulary, we recommend a frequency based Anki deck instead.

Each Card Contains
- Example words
- Example sentences
- Native speaker audio
- Additional notes for tricky kana
For more information about the Refold Method and all the information you could ever want about language learning, click here!
How to Use Refold Hiragana and Katakana Deck Effectively
The Refold hiragana and katakana deck uses a smart algorithm. Unlike “dumb” flash-cards, Anki (the program that runs our deck) uses a smart review system based on the forgetting curve, this means you’ll be shown a card right before you forget it instead of randomly. You don’t need to plan what letters to study on a given day, just open up the program and the app chooses what you will review for the day.
Steps to using the Refold kana deck:
- Download and install Anki (click here for our in depth guide)
- Download and install the free Japanese spelling deck.
- Click into your deck to get started
- When studying your flashcards, click or tap the ▶️ button to hear the name of the letter, an example word, and sentence.
- This will help you associate the sounds of the letter with the shapes. Don’t worry about meaning, just focus on the form!
- Flip the card to see the back side, along with notes about the letter or sound!
- You can track your progress by seeing how many days in a row you did your reviews in the Anki review tab.
- However, missing a day here and there is totally fine, at Refold we don’t believe in streaks, but in hit rate.
Additional Resources for Learning Japanese
If you’re just getting started in Japanese, don’t worry. We have a complete guide on our site.
Language learning often feels lonely, but you don’t have to go at this alone! We have a FREE online community filled with language learners and teachers! It’s the best place to ask questions, get advice, and make friends with other dedicated language learners just like you!
Your Path to Mastering Japanese Awaits
Reading opens up a world of possibilities, and mastering the Japanese script is your first crucial step in that journey. Our learning deck is designed to be the most effective way to familiarize yourself with the alphabet, paving the way for your reading adventures. Get ready to embark on your path to literacy and discover the richness of the Japanese language!
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